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About Kym

My journey with sound began as a child, singing and playing the piano during fashion shows and concerts.

I later came back to the musical world with a whole new approach: medicine music.



Before landing back in Switzerland, I grew up in about ten countries on four continents. This international and colorful youth immersed me in diverse cultural settings and made me progressively aware that there are many ways to access well-being as a whole. 


The more I studied this broad field, the more interested and passionate I got about it. Among the rewarding discoveries, I should mention plant medicine and sacred ceremonial uses, energy therapies and healing approaches, the alchemy of sound with crystal alchemy bowls and medicine chants.


Many of these musical explorations found a path into the events and services that I offer at withKim®. Sometimes, it's the other way around. For example, I have been guiding cacao ceremonies for years; at one point, it became natural to add more music and sound to them and so I began to learn to play the guitar on my own to accompany mantras and sacred songs.


I found this intuitive approach to learning music to be very rich and organic: allowing body, mind and soul to unite before any theoretical rule constrains our perceptions. I soon began to write my own songs with the intention to share the healing energy of medicine songs in more accessible ways.

This evolved rapidly and today, the first album, « Healing Journeys », is out! What a journey it has been, a marvelous one indeed.


The sound healing journey takes different forms. I use crystal alchemy bowls, guitar, harmonium, drums and many other sounds to accompany the sacred journeys offered.


The cacao cermonies I guide continue to provide a ceremonial space to breathe, feel and heal, with music and sound alchemy. I have opened another space for those wanting to live deeper in the medicine of music with the healing concerts.


Would you like to learn more about medicine music, creation process and other subjects I am passionate about? Follow me on instagram and discover my lives, posts and other content shares!

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